Mr. Marine Isha Jaiswal

Isha Jaiswal

Partner Network Developer

Isha Jaiswal (Indian) holds a Master’s in Commerce (Applied Economics), and a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce. She is a qualified Board Secretary from the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, having work experience of 3 years in Public Limited Companies & Multi-National Corporations. Isha is proficient in maintaining relationships with management and liaising with external regulators, auditors and other agencies. Her experience makes her perfect for her role at Mr. Marine.

1. What do you like most about working at Mr. Marine?

One of the aspects I genuinely appreciate about working at Mr. Marine is the rich and diverse work culture. Being part of a team that spans across the globe has provided me with invaluable experiences and opportunities for personal and professional growth. The amalgamation of various work styles, perspectives, and ways of thinking has created a vibrant environment that feels like a close-knit family. Interacting with colleagues from different corners of the world has broadened my horizons and expanded my understanding of different cultures, traditions, and approaches to work. Collaborating with individuals who bring unique insights and expertise to the table has allowed me to develop a more holistic and inclusive mindset. I have learned to appreciate the beauty of diversity and recognize the immense value it brings to our collective endeavors. Working with a global team has also exposed me to different work styles and approaches, enabling me to enhance my adaptability and agility in a rapidly evolving business landscape. The diverse perspectives challenge me to think outside the box, consider alternative solutions, and approach problems from multiple angles.

2. What is your greatest achievement at work?

When reflecting on my journey at work, I consider building cordial work relationships with all stakeholders as one of my greatest achievements. Establishing strong and positive connections with colleagues, clients, and partners has been instrumental in encouraging a collaborative and harmonious work environment. Throughout my tenure, I have dedicated significant efforts to nurture these relationships, recognizing the value of open communication, mutual respect, and trust. One notable highlight of my accomplishments has been the standardization of our training plans. By collaborating with various teams and incorporating feedback from stakeholders, we were able to design comprehensive and effective training modules that catered to the diverse needs of our workforce. Another achievement that brings me a sense of fulfillment is the substantial increase in processed invoice volume. Through diligent effort, meticulous attention to detail, and efficient workflow management, we successfully implemented measures to expedite and streamline our invoicing procedures.

3. What motivates you?

What motivates and inspires me in my work is the opportunity to collaborate with genuinely good-hearted people. When surrounded by individuals who possess a sense of kindness, compassion, and empathy, it creates a supportive and uplifting work environment that fuels my ambition and passion. Working alongside good-hearted colleagues brings a sense of joy and fulfillment to every task and project we undertake. The positive energy they exude, their willingness to lend a helping hand, and their genuine care for the well-being and success of others are truly remarkable. The presence of good-hearted individuals creates an atmosphere of trust and encouragement, where everyone feels valued, supported, and inspired to do their best work. Their innate kindness and understanding promote a safe space where ideas can be freely shared, feedback is constructively given, and growth and personal development are prioritized.

4. What do you love most about what you do?

One of the aspects I love most about what I do is the opportunity to collaborate with individuals from diverse work areas. The beauty of working in a multidisciplinary environment is the wealth of knowledge, perspectives, and experiences that each person brings to the table. It is a constant source of inspiration and personal growth. Collaborating with people from different work areas opens up a world of possibilities. It broadens my horizons, challenges my thinking, and allows me to approach problems and projects from multiple angles. The collective expertise and varied skill sets of my colleagues create a dynamic synergy that fuels innovation and drives us towards excellence. Engaging in cross-functional collaborations offers a unique chance to learn from others and expand my own skill set. I am continually exposed to new ideas, methodologies, and best practices that transcend the boundaries of my specific field.

5. What is the best work advice you have ever received?

The best work advice I have ever received is to strike a balance between my professional and personal life, recognizing that achieving this equilibrium leads to maximum work productivity. This advice has had a profound impact on how I approach my work and has helped me cultivate a fulfilling and sustainable career. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for overall well-being and long-term success. It is not just about putting in long hours at work but also about nurturing personal relationships, pursuing hobbies and interests, and taking care of oneself both mentally and physically. By honoring the importance of personal time and ensuring that I recharge and rejuvenate, I am better equipped to bring my best self to the workplace. Finding this balance allows me to approach my work with renewed energy, focus, and creativity. When I am well-rested and fulfilled outside of work, I am more resilient in the face of challenges and better able to manage stress. This, in turn, translates into increased productivity and the ability to deliver high-quality results.

6. What are your future career plans (goals)?

My future career plans encompass a desire to continually expand my knowledge and expertise by exploring different work areas within the organization and embracing new prospects. I firmly believe that continuous learning and professional growth are the keys to a rewarding and fulfilling career. By seeking out opportunities to delve into various work areas, I can broaden my skill set and gain a comprehensive understanding of the organization as a whole. This not only allows me to contribute effectively in my current role but also opens doors to new possibilities and positions in the future. Embracing different work areas not only fosters personal development but also nurtures a versatile and adaptable mindset. It enables me to gain insights into different functions, departments, and perspectives, which in turn enhances my problem-solving abilities and fuels my creativity. Moreover, it provides me with a holistic view of the firm, enabling me to collaborate more effectively with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and work seamlessly across teams.

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