Mr. Marine Shikin Jaafar

Shikin Jaafar

Operations Director

Shikin Jaafar (Singaporean) has a mixed technological and business background. She has a degree in Mechatronics and worked for 5 years at Philips Consumer Electronics in Singapore before completing her technical knowledge with a Master’s in International Business from Erasmus University. She now combines her technical and business expertise as our Operations Director.

We asked Shikin a few questions about herself:

1. What do you like most about working at Mr. Marine?

What I absolutely love about working at Mr. Marine is being surrounded by a team of incredibly talented individuals. Seriously, these people are like a powerhouse of skills and expertise, and it’s such a privilege to work alongside them. Every day, I have the opportunity to learn something new from each and every one of my colleagues. Whether it’s their unique perspective, their specialized knowledge, or their innovative ideas, there’s always something to gain from our interactions. It’s like being in a constant state of growth and discovery, and I thrive on that. Now, let’s be honest, working with a team of strong-minded individuals can sometimes lead to clashes and differences of opinion. But you know what? I’ve come to realise that these “butting heads” moments can actually be incredibly valuable. They push us to question our assumptions, challenge our perspectives, and ultimately arrive at better solutions. It’s through these spirited debates and healthy disagreements that we collectively grow and evolve.

2. What is your greatest achievement (work or personal)?

When I reflect upon my journey and think about my greatest achievement, one particular milestone stands out proudly: the decision to pursue my Master’s degree no matter what obstacles lay in my path. And let me tell you, it was an adventure filled with determination, resilience, and incredible rewards! The moment I made up my mind to embark on this academic pursuit, I knew it would require immense dedication and sacrifice. It meant balancing work commitments, personal responsibilities, and the demanding rigours of higher education. But deep down, I felt a burning desire to expand my knowledge, broaden my horizons, and unlock new opportunities.

3. What motivates you?

What truly fuels my drive can be summed up in two simple yet profound words: knowledge and growth. These two intertwined elements are like the lifeblood that propels me forward on my personal and professional journey. The pursuit of knowledge, for me, is not simply about accumulating facts or information. It’s about delving deeper into subjects that captivate my curiosity, broadening my understanding of the world, and continuously expanding my intellectual horizons. The more I learn, the more I realise how much there is still to discover, and that sense of endless possibility invigorates me. But knowledge alone is not enough. It’s the application of that knowledge and the growth that follows which truly drives me. I am driven by the desire to apply what I’ve learned, to make meaningful contributions, and to see tangible progress in both my personal and professional endeavours.

4. What values drive you?

When it comes to the values that drive me, there are three pillars that stand tall and unwavering: respect, honesty, and hard work. These core principles form the foundation of my personal and professional life, shaping my actions, decisions, and interactions with others. Respect is at the heart of how I approach relationships and navigate the world around me. I believe in treating every individual with dignity, embracing diverse perspectives, and recognizing the inherent worth and uniqueness of each person. Honesty is the bedrock of my character and the compass that guides my moral compass. I firmly believe in the power of transparency, authenticity, and integrity. Lastly, hard work is an integral part of my approach to life. I believe that success is not handed on a silver platter but is earned through consistent hard work, resilience in the face of challenges, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

5. Favourite quote

One quote that resonates deeply with me and embodies the essence of my beliefs is the wise words of the Dalai Lama: “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” This simple yet profound statement encapsulates a powerful truth that guides my actions and shapes my interactions with others. In a world that can often be filled with turmoil, uncertainty, and challenges, kindness serves as a beacon of light, offering warmth, compassion, and understanding. It is a reminder of the incredible power we possess to make a positive difference in the lives of those around us, no matter the circumstances. The beauty of kindness lies in its universal applicability. It transcends cultural boundaries, language barriers, and social divides. It is a language that is understood by all and has the power to touch hearts, bridge divides, and inspire change.

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