Mr. Marine for a sustainable maritime future

Sustainability has become a must in today’s world. To remain relevant and create value for customers, industry players need to adopt a socially responsible mindset. We need to focus on protecting the environment and improving the quality of life for future generations. 

At Mr. Marine, we care about the environment: we are committed to doing business in ways that are good for people and the planet. Hence, we strive towards zero waste, zero paper and zero emissions, and we are conscious about giving back to our community. We then organize regular “fun” fundraising activities to support charities. 

With these values at heart, we chose Dopper








8 million tons of plastic waste entering our oceans every year. Therefore, given the significant growth of global plastic pollution, it is essential to take action. Since Mr. Marine operates in the maritime industry, the preservation of global waters is our top priority. Through Mr. Marine’s collaboration with Dopper for our branded water bottles, we show our support for the virtuous mission of Dopper: to empower people to choose reusable over single-use water bottles to protect our world’s water resources.  








Our employees enthusiastically welcomed the Dopper bottles, becoming part of the sustainable wave. The bottles constitute our message to people and other firms in the maritime sector to embrace sustainability and integrate it into their daily operations. 



Finally, through small steps, we are building a sustainable future. Contact us to find out more.


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