Panasia Pan-CCS Carbon Capture and Storage System

Panasia Pan-CCS Carbon Capture and Storage System

The Panasia Pan-CCS Carbon Capture and Storage System (Pan-CCS™) stands at the forefront of mitigating carbon emissions across various industries, particularly making a significant impact in the maritime sector. This cutting-edge device is designed to extract carbon dioxide from major emission sources, including power plants, steel and cement factories, and ships relying on fossil fuels. As the marine industry grapples with the challenge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Pan-CCS™ emerges as a key player. In the realm of shipping, Pan-CCS™ offers a scalable solution with capacities ranging from 1 to 3 CO2 tons per hour, ensuring purity levels of 99.9% CO2. Addressing challenges like changing concentrations of CO2 and space limitations on ships, the system proves adaptable to the dynamic conditions of marine operations. Moreover, it aligns with Offshore regulations, including the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI), aiming to reduce carbon intensity in ship operations.

Panasia’s offshore carbon-neutral solution integrates seamlessly with industry initiatives, providing an alternative to traditional regulations. The incorporation of Carbon Intensity Rating Systems and innovative technologies such as Energy Saving Devices (ESD), Air Lubrication Systems (ALS), and Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion (WASP) demonstrates Pan-CCS™’s commitment to holistic carbon reduction. Panasia’s ongoing commitment to research and technology development, exemplified by the CSS Test Barge Facility, proprietary catalyst production technology, and optimized solvents for ships, positions Pan-CCS™ as a cost-efficient, environmentally friendly, and scalable solution for the maritime industry’s carbon capture and storage needs.

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Panasia Pan-CCS Carbon Capture and Storage System

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Panasia Pan-CCS Carbon Capture and Storage System